Fort Collins HOA Attorney
Transactional And Litigation Assistance
Backed by more than 30 years of experience, The Wilson Law Firm, P.C., counsels and advocates on behalf of parties involved in legal matters related to homeowners associations (HOA) and condominium associations (COA). Our clients include:
- Developers who wish to create HOA and COA developments
- Building owners who want to turn previously leased units into condominiums
- HOAs and COAs whose individual homeowners are not fulfilling their contractual obligations
- Individual homeowners whose rights have been violated by their COA or HOA
We help clients with drafting formation documents, fulfilling property management obligations, collection of delinquent assessments, litigation of disputes and everything in between.
If you need assistance protecting your legal rights, contact us to schedule a free telephone consultation with a skilled Fort Collins HOA lawyer. Our firm serves clients in Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley and throughout northern Colorado.
Because HOAs and COAs can be breeding grounds for disputes, much of our practice focuses on developing fair and amicable legal solutions that allow for community harmony. We dedicate ourselves to understanding all sides of a given dispute. We then apply our knowledge of the law and thoughtful approach to resolve disagreements in a cost-effective and efficient manner. If negotiation won’t work, we will defend our clients’ rights in the courtroom.
Contact Our Loveland Condominium Lawyer
For advice you can trust from an experienced COA and HOA attorney, call The Wilson Law Firm, P.C., at 970-372-2435 or 866-903-5750 to schedule a free telephone consultation.